Friday, October 10, 2014

Halloween Role Reversal - The Pirate Emerges

The kitchen renovation is almost done.  Lots of false starts on cabinet refacing and I ultimately solved my own problems rather than hiring someone else to do it.  The finish line is in sight.

Over the past six months I've flirted with getting sucked into another 5 year corporate deal.  Both of us got to the point where someone had to blink, and neither of us did - thankfully.

For Halloween this year I'm going to dress up as a pirate.  In 2015 I'm going to become one and dress up as a businessman next Halloween.  I'm looking forward to switching roles and being more of one and less of the other.  

I purged a big cabinet today and divided it into donate, yard sale, Craigslist and eBay.  It felt great. The paring down continues, but I still have a long way to go.

The shopping count of sail boats I've looked at is only up from 2 to 4 even though I check multiple times each week.  I'm still looking for a 36-40 ish footer that is live aboard ready, can be single handed and has the engineering to trust to cross oceans. It's a tall order. I remain selective and trust in the fact we'll find each other when the time is right.  I've joined a sailing club and have done some racing this summer that got my blood pumping.

This whole thing is proving harder than I thought, but they say nothing worth doing is easy.  I hate cliché's but I know for a fact this one is true. It also shows me I'm on track.

Fair winds friends,


PS: I'm going to go see Stanley Paris at Epping Forest Y.C. this week which will be my second time meeting him.  If anyone is going to be there- let me know and come shake hands.